Research on Ecological Environment Monitoring and Protection Applications Based on Remote Sensing Technology


  • Shuang Chen
  • Zhongyun Lin



Remote Sensing Technology, Ecological Environment Monitoring, Ecological Protection, Environmental Change, Biodiversity.


As global ecological and environmental issues become increasingly severe, remote sensing technology, as an effective monitoring tool, plays a crucial role in ecological environment monitoring and protection. Remote sensing technology can provide large-scale, high-resolution data, supporting a wide range of applications such as ecosystem health assessment, land use/land cover change monitoring, biodiversity conservation, water resource management, pollution monitoring, and climate change monitoring. This paper reviews the application progress of remote sensing technology in ecological environment protection, analyzes the challenges and development trends it faces, and discusses potential directions for future research.


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How to Cite

Chen, S., & Lin, Z. (2025). Research on Ecological Environment Monitoring and Protection Applications Based on Remote Sensing Technology. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1), 55-57.