Sealing Performance Analysis of End Spring Packer


  • Bojun Xu



Packer rubber cylinder; Sealing performance; Contact stress.


Oil exploitation tends to occurs in high-temperature and high-pressure environments, leading to sealing failure of rubber cylinders after long-time operation. To address this challenge, a spring-embedded shoulder protection packer rubber cylinder, made from metal rubber, was specifically designed to enhance the sealing performance under these demanding conditions. The superelastic model was selected by the superelastic theory analysis, and the rubber material parameters were obtained by the curve fitting of uniaxial tensile test, and the sealing performance of the rubber cylinder was analyzed by finite element calculation. The results show that the stability of Yeoh 3-order model is good through theoretical analysis. The YEOH3-order model is selected to calculate the end spring at five different temperatures, proving that it can work normally at 65℃~204℃, providing data support for engineering applications.


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How to Cite

Xu, B. (2025). Sealing Performance Analysis of End Spring Packer. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1), 58-65.