Analyzing User Behavior in Social Networks Using Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions


  • Chen Sun



Big Data Technologies, User Behavior Analysis, Social Networks, Data Mining and Machine Learning.


Due to the rapid growth of social networks and the development of big data technologies, the understanding and mining of users’ behavior has been greatly enhanced. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn produce huge amount of data on daily basis which are feature of high volume, velocity, variety, veracity and value. These datasets hold a huge value as they can be used to recognize trends, identify certain patterns, and help in decision making processes. This paper proposes a framework for analyzing user behavior on social networks with an emphasis on the relationship between big data features and social power dynamics. To deal with issues concerning data privacy, heterogeneity, and scalability the study applies such methods as machine learning, graph analytics, and natural language processing (NLP). In this section, we dive deeper into the examination of the concepts, and identify the potential applications of big data in areas such as marketing, opinion polling, and risk management, thus revealing the possibilities that big data holds. Also, the paper outlines some of the problems that include ethical issues and data consolidation problems while suggesting future researches. Some of the future research directions are the advancement of cross-platform analysis, the use of multi-modal data sets and the incorporation of ethical AI to ensure that the use of AI is proper. This paper synthesizes theoretical concepts with empirical analysis to advance the scholarship in social network analysis and offer practical recommendations for managerial and marketing practices for the analysis of social networks in the big data context.


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How to Cite

Sun, C. (2025). Analyzing User Behavior in Social Networks Using Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1), 75-79.