Tudy on Urban Waterfront Space Renewal from the Perspective of Residents' Health

Take Suzhou Canal Waterfront Space as an Example


  • Hao Ding
  • Xiaoziyu Fang




Health perspective; waterfront space renewal; Suzhou canal.


Public health has increasingly become the focus of urban planning and design, and urban waterfront space, as an important place for the daily leisure activities of residents in Waterside Areas, its health value has not really been reflected in the actual planning. From the perspective of residents' health, this paper summarizes the promotion mechanism and influencing factors of waterfront space on residents' health, and makes a field survey on the waterfront space environment in Suzhou outer city to explore its influencing factors on residents' health, and puts forward the waterfront space renewal strategy to guide citizens' healthy behavior, further improve residents' health and happiness in life, and promote the sustainable development of human settlements in waterfront areas.


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How to Cite

Ding, H., & Fang, X. (2025). Tudy on Urban Waterfront Space Renewal from the Perspective of Residents’ Health: Take Suzhou Canal Waterfront Space as an Example. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1), 107-112. https://doi.org/10.54097/gt9t8955