Bibliometric Analysis of the Research of Teachers' Work Engagement from 2008 to 2018 in China
teachers, Work engagement, Bibliometric analysis.Abstract
In this paper, by using visual analysis software CiteSpaceV5.3, 183 CKNI article in teachers' work engagement from 2008 to 2018 were analysised by literature measurement. Through the author and institution cooperation network map and cluster analysis map that generated by the software, the research status of teachers' work engagement related research can be found.: (1) The number of published papers has increased, and the research topics have been gradually enriched, but a complete system has not yet been formed; (2) The distribution of research authors is uneven, and no research authors have been found to conduct continuous and in-depth research on topics related to teacher work engagement; (3) The cooperation between research institutions is less, the cooperative relationship is loose, and the research institutions have limitations; (4)In terms of research topics, there is a lack of theoretical research on teachers' work engagement and the influence of organizational and work factors on teachers' work engagement;(5) psychological capital is the core of the research on teachers' work engagement, and the research on middle school teachers' work engagement will become a research trend.
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