A Survey of Image Semantic Segmentation Algorithm Based on Deep Learning


  • Jian Chen
  • Fen Luo




Image semantic segmentation, Deep learning.


Image semantic segmentation technology is one of the core research contents in the field of computer vision, and has a wide range of applications in production and life. With the improvement of computer performance and the continuous development of deep learning technology, researchers have increasingly high research enthusiasm for the performance of image semantic segmentation. This paper summarizes the research status of image semantic segmentation based on deep learning and introduces the common datasets used in the field of semantic segmentation. Finally, we point out the existing problems and future development trend of image semantic segmentation algorithms.


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How to Cite

Chen, J., & Luo, F. (2023). A Survey of Image Semantic Segmentation Algorithm Based on Deep Learning. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 13-14. https://doi.org/10.54097/ajst.v5i1.5248