Influence of Wheel Polygons on Dynamic Performance of Trains
Wheel polygon, Dynamic performance, Vibration acceleration.Abstract
With the continuous development of high-speed railroad technology, the operating speed and mileage of moving trains continue to increase, and the phenomenon of wheel-rail contact fatigue and wear is gradually highlighted, and the problem of wheel polygon wear is also prevalent in the operating site. Wheel polygon wear will deteriorate the wheel-rail contact relationship, so that the wheel-rail force surge, the safety and stability of the train caused serious impact. Therefore, wheel polygons become a key problem to be solved, but the formation and development mechanism of wheel polygons has not been fully clarified so far. This paper establishes a dynamic model of the moving train considering the elastic roadbed, and studies the dynamic performance of the moving train with the changing law of the moving train, respectively, in terms of wheel-rail vertical force, car body vibration acceleration, and wheelset vibration acceleration, to explore the influence of wheel polygons on the performance of the moving train. The results show that with the increase of wheel polygon order and wear depth, the safety of the moving vehicle gradually decreases and the wheel-rail vertical force gradually increases, and the wheelset vibration acceleration is more sensitive to the increase of order from 1 to 13.
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