Correlation Analysis of Loess Collapsibility Coefficient with Its Physical and Mechanical Properties in Weibei Area


  • Xiao Xie
  • Chao Guo



Loess, Physical and mechanical parameters, Spatial variation regulation.


Based on a large number of drilling and laboratory test data in Weibei loess tableland area, the correlation of three conventional physical and mechanical indexes of loess in this area, such as void ratio, compression coefficient and collapsibility coefficient, was analyzed and studied. The results show that void ratio is positively correlated with compression coefficient and collapsibility coefficient, and the correlation between void ratio and collapsibility coefficient is higher. The correlation between compression coefficient and collapsibility coefficient is obvious when the compressibility of soil is small, but there is no obvious correlation between collapsibility coefficient and compression coefficient when the compression coefficient is large.


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How to Cite

Xie, X., & Guo, C. (2023). Correlation Analysis of Loess Collapsibility Coefficient with Its Physical and Mechanical Properties in Weibei Area. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 58-60.