Analysis and Experimental Study on Location Exploration of Relief Well


  • Xiaoyu Zhu



Relief well, Electromagnetic, Trajectory Control, Laboratory experiment.


As oil and gas extraction continues to expand and deepen, the importance of relief wells becomes increasingly evident. The positioning and detection technology of relief wells is a critical technology that plays a significant role in ensuring the safety and success of relief well construction. This article focuses on the positioning and detection technology of relief wells, analyzing existing technologies and identifying issues such as difficulties in trajectory control and susceptibility to magnetic field interference, leading to low positioning accuracy and ineffective relief wells. To address these problems, simulation experiments were conducted using coils and probes on an experimental platform to replicate the positioning and detection measurements of relief wells, followed by comprehensive analysis of the experimental data.


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How to Cite

Zhu, X. (2023). Analysis and Experimental Study on Location Exploration of Relief Well. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 162-168.