Research Status of End-or-End Autonomous Driving Technology
Autonomous vehicles; end-or-end; reinforcement learning; vehicle control.Abstract
With the continuous development of autonomous driving technology, it holds significant potential in reducing the risk of traffic accidents, alleviating traffic congestion, and im-proving traffic efficiency. Traditional autonomous driving systems employ a modular deployment strategy, dividing the development into separate modules for perception, decision-making, planning, and control, which are then integrated into the vehicle. Currently, end-to-end autonomous driving methods have emerged as a research trend in the field of autonomous driving. This approach directly maps input data from the perception stage to driving behavior, simplifying the overall architecture of the autonomous driving system to reduce complexity. This paper provides a summary of research progress in end-to-end methods in the field of autonomous driving control and concludes by discussing future research directions and challenges in end-to-end autonomous driving technology.
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