Image-based Facial Emotion Detection SYSTEM


  • Cheng Zhang



Facaial emtion; Object detection; Face detection


This paper proposes an image-based approach for emotion reco2gnition, aiming to infer human emotional states through the analysis of facial expression images. Firstly, we introduce the research background and significance of emotion recognition technology, and review current mainstream methods for emotion recognition. Secondly, we provide a detailed description of the design and implementation process of the proposed emotion recognition system, including key steps such as data preprocessing, feature extraction, and model construction. In the experimental section, we conduct systematic performance evaluations and comparative experiments using publicly available datasets, validating the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves outstanding performance in emotion recognition tasks and exhibits strong generalization capability. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the proposed method, future research directions, as well as the potential value and challenges in real-world applications. Through this research, we contribute to the further development and application of image-based emotion recognition technology.


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How to Cite

Zhang, C. (2024). Image-based Facial Emotion Detection SYSTEM. Computer Life, 12(2), 20-26.