The Text Classification Method Based on BiLSTM and Multi-Scale CNN


  • Bo He
  • Yongfen Yang
  • Lei Wang
  • Jingxuan Zhou



Text classification; Neural networks; Deep learning; Natural language processing.


Text classification is an important fundamental technique for efficiently managing the huge amount of textual information on the Internet. In the past few years, due to the unprecedented success of deep learning research, the task of text categorization has gradually become the center of gravity in the field of natural language processing, and the algorithms applied to it have also transitioned over time from traditional machine learning methods to neural network models based on deep learning, as well as the emerging attention mechanisms and pre-trained language models with good results. This paper outlines the traditional machine learning methods and deep learning methods involved in text classification, comprehensively analyzes the research progress and achievements of deep learning models for text classification, and compares the advantages and disadvantages of each. Then the evaluation metrics used for text classification and commonly used labeled datasets are introduced. Finally, the challenges faced by the text classification task and the difficulties to be further researched are summarized and outlooked to provide reference and support for future researchers in this field.


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How to Cite

He, B., Yang, Y., Wang, L., & Zhou, J. (2024). The Text Classification Method Based on BiLSTM and Multi-Scale CNN. Computer Life, 12(2), 43-49.