The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Word-of-Mouth Communication: The Mediating Role of Face Perception
Customer satisfaction; Word-of-mouth communication intention; Face perception.Abstract
Traditional theoretical research suggests that negative word-of-mouth (WOM) communication is stronger, but due to cultural differences between East and West, Chinese face psychology in interpersonal interactions affects consumers' WOM behaviors. Based on the theory of face psychology, this paper utilizes the experimental method to explore the relationship between face perception in customer satisfaction and willingness to spread WOM after consuming a high-end brand. The results show that in the case of satisfaction, positive WOM communication willingness is higher for premium brands than for ordinary brands in order to gain face, but in the case of failure, negative WOM communication willingness is lower for premium brands than for ordinary brands in order to avoid losing face; consumers' face perception has a mediating role between satisfaction and WOM communication willingness.
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