Synthesis of Research on Joint Replenishment Problems and Cost Sharing


  • Yunjia Huang



Inventory management, joint replenishment problem, cost sharing.


Among all existing inventory replenishment models, this research was dedicated to the Joint Replenishment Problem (JRP), which consists in the replenishment of multiple items simultaneously, aiming total cost reduction. Literature has presented several optimal and approximated solutions to this problem, with different applications and techniques, which results in a large quantity of solution proposals. Therefore, This paper organizes the related concepts and model studies of joint replenishment problem, and collects the solution algorithms of joint replenishment problem in different contexts, which provides reference for the research trend of joint replenishment afterwards. The cost sharing problem arising from the joint replenishment problem is also studied in the relevant literature to provide reference for the subsequent design of cost sharing rules.


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How to Cite

Huang, Y. (2024). Synthesis of Research on Joint Replenishment Problems and Cost Sharing. Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management, 14(1), 334-337.