Hybrid Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Influence of Team-Member Exchange


  • Kelvin Phineas Mbeveri




Team-member exchange, Hybrid entrepreneurial intentions, Perceived desirability of entrepreneur-ship, Perceived normativeness towards entrepreneurship, Perceived feasibility towards entrepre-neurship


Full-time entrepreneurs are an integral part of economic growth, the rise of a distinct category of entrepreneurs known as hybrid entrepreneurs is no exception. Hybrid entrepreneurship has re-ceived notable attention in recent years. Therefore, this study seeks to examine the influence of team-member exchange (TMX) on hybrid entrepreneurial intentions (HEIs) within organizational settings, elucidating the mediating role of perceived desirability of entrepreneurship (PDE), per-ceived normativeness towards entrepreneurship (PNE) and perceived feasibility towards entrepre-neurship (PFE). Through the lens of the theory of planned behavior (TPB), a research model is pro-posed to explore these relationships. More so, by employing a quantitative research design, data will be collected using a questionnaire in an online survey utilizing a convenience sampling technique. Regression analysis will be adopted to assess the direct and indirect effects of TMX on HEIs through the proposed mediators. The aim of this study is to advance theoretical understanding of HEI, extending TPB and contributing to the existing board of literature on hybrid entrepreneurship. Moreover, the study also has practical implications to policy makers, managers and employees.


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How to Cite

Mbeveri, K. P. (2024). Hybrid Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Influence of Team-Member Exchange. Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management, 17(2), 190-198. https://doi.org/10.54097/hbafnx83