Research on the Youth Group's Expectations for the Future Development of self-Media while in the Digital Economy
Analysis of variance, Self-media, Digital economy, Decision tree classificationAbstract
Based on the survey data on the influence of self-media on youth values, this article analyzes the variance of different variables with academic qualifications as the main factor. Use the Sklearn tool to establish a decision tree classification model. The results show that the educational level factor is inversely proportional to the proportion of learning behaviors accumulating knowledge through self-media platforms. Different educational backgrounds have significant differences in the judgment of the authenticity of information cognition. Respondents' views on the future development of public opinion-oriented self-media mainly depend on their daily browsing frequency. Respondents with a very high frequency will make different judgments because of the inverse proportion of academic level and credibility. Finally, this article gives opinions and suggestions on the development of the self-media from three perspectives: the government level, the social level, and the youth group themselves. Encourage youth groups to actively face the opportunities and challenges brought about by developing the self-media industry in the digital economy.
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