Analysis of the Importance of Product Image of Intelligent Voice Assistant to Consumers' Willingness to Use


  • Xinfan Zhu



Intelligent voice assistant, Product image, Consumer's willingness to use.


AI applications, represented by intelligent voice assistants, have risen rapidly worldwide, bringing convenience to consumers and opening up new business models for enterprises. With the increasingly fierce market competition, intelligent voice assistants also have serious problems of homogeneity and high content overlap. In the past, it was difficult to establish advantages in competitive products with product design ideas that only meet the functional needs of consumers. In order to solve this problem, enterprises began to design the product image of intelligent voice assistant, trying to attract consumers and improve their willingness to use by innovating the product image of intelligent voice assistant. This article crawls the online review of an intelligent voice assistant product, analyzes the importance of product image design from the actual experience of consumers, and provides some reference significance for enterprises to design the image of intelligent voice assistant products and marketing strategies.


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How to Cite

Zhu, X. (2023). Analysis of the Importance of Product Image of Intelligent Voice Assistant to Consumers’ Willingness to Use. Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management, 8(1), 124-126.