Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Two-step Moving Objects based on Phase-shifting Profilometry


  • Yitao Liang
  • Jiabei Dai
  • Lei Lu



Phase Shifting Profilometry, 3D Reconstruction, Dynamic Measurement, Double Sampling


In recent years, 3D object reconstruction based on phase-shifting profilometry has gradually received attention and been widely applied. Domestic and foreign scholars have been continuously researching and exploring the accuracy and speed of three-dimensional measurement, and gradually developing towards dynamic measurement. Most dynamic measurements require projecting multiple stripe patterns to obtain sufficient object phase information, and the more stripes there are, the greater the phase error caused by motion. This article proposes the use of increasing the sampling fringe pattern during the projection period of a fringe pattern to achieve high frame rate dynamic 3D object reconstruction. By combining the intensity values of ambient light; Finally, the phase information of the object is extracted by tracking the motion information obtained from the moving object. This article demonstrates the feasibility of this method through simulation experiments and improves the frame rate of 3D reconstruction of moving objects.


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How to Cite

Liang, Y., Dai, J., & Lu, L. (2024). Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Two-step Moving Objects based on Phase-shifting Profilometry. Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems, 7(2), 50-54.