Research and Design of STM32 and Qt based Medical Smart Cockpit Convenient Medical Care System


  • Chen Li
  • Zhesheng Hou
  • Yu Wang
  • Xin Zhang



Medical Smart Cockpit, STM32, Qt, Convenient Medical System


In order to simplify the process of patients' medical treatment and realise contactless and efficient medical treatment in the post-epidemic era, a convenient medical treatment system oriented to medical smart cockpit is designed to facilitate patients' medical treatment. The system is based on STM32F103RCT6 as the main controller chip, and the peripheral circuit consists of MAX30102 sensor, DS18B20 sensor, and Bluetooth module, which can realise the transmission of basic physiological data collected from patients to the doctor's end. The system uses Qt Creator to design the application interface, and eventually the patient can complete the relevant medical process in the cockpit. This design reduces the contact between the patient and the healthcare personnel and improves the efficiency of hospital visits.


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How to Cite

Li, C., Hou, Z., Wang, Y., & Zhang, X. (2024). Research and Design of STM32 and Qt based Medical Smart Cockpit Convenient Medical Care System. Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems, 8(1), 139-143.