Internet of Things (IoT) Computer Network Security and Its Remote Control Technology: Key Points and Applications


  • Kong Cheng



Science and Technology, Internet of Things (IoT), Remote Control


With the development and advancement of science and technology, communication devices have been widely developed and utilized. Among these, internet technology plays a comprehensive role in promoting the development of various industries in its practical application. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a particularly important technological form, significantly enhancing the efficiency of information transmission and sharing, and aiding in the rational implementation of data transmission and information sensing technologies. The security risks of IoT are mainly manifested in three levels: the intelligent perception layer, the access and transmission layer, and the business application layer. In the analysis of this article, the key points and characteristics of IoT computer network security, remote control technology, and computer remote control system structure analysis are mainly elaborated.


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How to Cite

Cheng, K. (2024). Internet of Things (IoT) Computer Network Security and Its Remote Control Technology: Key Points and Applications. Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems, 9(1), 14-16.