A Review of Text-Based Pedestrian Retrieval Methods


  • Xiangmian Qiu
  • Yali Zhang
  • Yichen Zhao
  • Jinzhao Li




Pedestrian Retrieval, Cross-modal Retrieval, Image Text Matching, Visual Language Pre-training Models


Text-based pedestrian retrieval task uses textual descriptions as query inputs to retrieve pedestrians in image gallery, which is crucial for social security and investigation. By combing the relevant working literature, we summarize the main methods in this field, which are grouped into five categories of methods based on feature matching, based on multi-granularity information, based on adversarial ideal, based on cross-modal attention, and based on visual text pre-training models, and this paper compare and analyze the design ideas, method features, advantages and disadvantages of classical model of each category. The performance of each model is compared using the commonly used datasets and evaluation metrics (TPR, mAP) for this task, the problems faced in field are discussed and future development trends are envisioned. Recently, the method based on VLP has become a mainstream, which can achieve higher precision retrieval, but still faces the problems of large number of model parameters and high difficulty of training, so it needs to explore the lightweight solution in the future.


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How to Cite

Qiu, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., & Li, J. (2024). A Review of Text-Based Pedestrian Retrieval Methods. Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems, 10(3), 118-127. https://doi.org/10.54097/3nkp6698