Research on Divert and Attitude Control System Technology of Ballistic Missile Midcourse Maneuver Penetration Warhead


  • Chenchao Dai
  • Hongfu Qiang
  • Xueren Wang



Autonomous maneuver penetration, Midcourse intercept, Kinetic kill vehicle, DACS, Gas valve


With the continuous development of American midcourse interception technology, it is particularly important to promote the midcourse penetration capability construction of ballistic missiles. The use of maneuver penetration technology in the midcourse of ballistic missiles can effectively deal with the midcourse interception of foreign missiles. In order to promote the development of midcourse maneuver penetration technology, this paper takes the Divert and Attitude Control System (DACS) of maneuver penetration warhead as the starting point, refers to the development of DACS of Kinetic Kill Vehicle in the United States, and summarizes the research status of gas valve, the key structure of DACS. On this basis, combined with the structural characteristics of maneuver penetration warhead, the key technologies related to the construction of DACS of penetration warhead are summarized, which lays a foundation for the development of DACS of penetration warhead in the future.


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How to Cite

Dai , C., Qiang, H., & Wang, X. (2023). Research on Divert and Attitude Control System Technology of Ballistic Missile Midcourse Maneuver Penetration Warhead. Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems, 3(1), 97-109.