Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems

ISSN: 2832-6024
Editor-in-Chief: Hermosa Pulitzer
E-mail: FCIS@DRPress.org

Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems (FCIS) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Darcy & Roy Press. The mission of the journal is to provide an academic forum for discussing the issues of computing and intelligent systems across the world. All articles published are rigorously and fast reviewed meeting the Journal Quality standards.

Indexing & Abstracting

CNKI , Google Scholar, J-Gate, Scilit, CrossRef, ResearchGate, CLOCKSS, LOCKSS, PKP-LN, Semantic Scholar, etc.

Aims & Scope

FCIS publishes research articles, literature review articles, editorial, etc. Contributions are welcome from all fields of computing and intelligent systems. The typical topics include, but are not limited to the following fields: 

Ambient intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Artificial life
Big data analytics
Cloud computing
Cognitive science and systems
Communication Technology
Computational intelligence
Computational neuroscience
Computer engineering
Data mining
DNA and immune based systems
e-Learning and teaching
Evolutionary computing
Fuzzy systems
Human-centered and human-centric computing
Human-machine teaming
Human-robot interaction
Intelligent agents
Intelligent control
Intelligent data analysis
Intelligent decision-making and support
Intelligent logistics

Intelligent network security
Intelligent optimization
Intelligent scheduling
Interactive entertainment
Internet of things
Knowledge management
Knowledge-based paradigms
learning paradigms
Linguistics and language recognition
Machine ethics
Manufacturing intelligence
Multi-objective optimization
Network technology
Novel and emerging industrial applications
Perception and Vision
Recommender systems
Robotic vision
Robotics and mechatronics
Self-organizing and adaptive systems
Social intelligence
Soft computing
Software engineering
Virtual worlds and society
Web intelligence and multimedia