Research on the Design of Public Space for Social Interaction of Young People in Small Towns


  • Qiyuan Xiong



Public Space, Youth, Town, Service Design


The purpose of this paper is to study the design of public space for the social interaction of young people in small towns, so as to further understand their social needs and create a better social environment. With the disappearance of demographic dividend, the value of talents becomes increasingly prominent. The development trend of labor-intensive industries has shifted to focus on high-tech industries, and small-town youth refers to young people living in smaller towns or rural areas, who usually face limited social places and resources. Therefore, this study will focus on analyzing the social behaviors and needs of young people in small towns, and exploring the influence and acceptance of different types of public space design on them. Through case study, interview and field observation, this paper tries to provide targeted public space design ideas for small town communities and create an environment that meets the social needs of young people in small towns, so as to enhance the self-identity and sense of belonging of young talents and alleviate the psychological and social problems of "lying flat" young people.


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How to Cite

Xiong, Q. (2023). Research on the Design of Public Space for Social Interaction of Young People in Small Towns. Highlights in Art and Design, 4(3), 36-38.