The Influence of Cultural Policies on the Art Market: Exploring Their Impact


  • Min Lu
  • Huamin Wang



Cultural Policies, Art Market, Concepts, Impact


This study aims to explore the relationship between cultural policies and the art market, examining the influence of cultural policies on the art market. It further investigates how cultural policies in different countries or regions impact the development of their respective art markets through case analyses. The framework of the study encompasses three main aspects: the relationship between cultural policies and the art market, the impact of cultural policies on the art market, and case analyses of cultural policies and their influence on the art market. Firstly, the study delves into the close interconnection between cultural policies and the art market. Cultural policies, formulated by governments to protect and foster national cultural development, intersect with the art market—the space for cultural creation, production, and exchange. These policies leverage various means and measures to influence the art market, creating a conducive environment for its development. Secondly, the study investigates the impact of cultural policies on the art market. The implementation of cultural policies yields multifaceted effects on the art market. Economically, funding and resource allocation from cultural policies can catalyze the expansion of the art market and spur economic growth. Socially, policy initiatives can enhance public engagement with the arts, fostering societal cohesion. Culturally, supportive policies can encourage diversity and cultural identity within the art market. Lastly, the study conducts in-depth case analyses to scrutinize the impact of cultural policies on the art market in different countries or regions. Examining France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Singapore, the study evaluates their cultural policy measures and analyzes their effects on the art market. These cases reveal disparities in cultural policy formulation and implementation among countries or regions, illustrating how these disparities influence the development of their respective art markets. Through exploring the relationship between cultural policies and the art market, assessing the impact of cultural policies, and examining case studies, this research seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of how cultural policies affect the art market. This understanding can aid policymakers, cultural institutions, and art practitioners in better comprehending the interplay between cultural policies and the art market, offering valuable insights and guidance for the sustainable development of the art market.


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How to Cite

Lu, M., & Wang, H. (2023). The Influence of Cultural Policies on the Art Market: Exploring Their Impact. Highlights in Art and Design, 4(3), 152-155.