Reflections on Accessible Design from the Perspective of the Digital Age


  • Chenlu Li



Accessible Design, Disadvantaged Groups, Digital Platforms, Interaction Design


Provide a comfortable and safe environment for the lives of disadvantaged groups and improve their happiness index. Focus on the basic needs and future security of vulnerable groups, establish standards and norms for digital ageing, and improve the adaptation of older groups to technological life. Through the analysis of audience groups, understand the needs of people with disabilities and disadvantaged groups, analyze the six principles of accessibility design digital principles, based on the comprehensive needs of different groups, combined with the actual accessibility digital platform design cases, provide new improvement methods and ideas for the accessibility design of digital platforms, and explore the innovative ideas of accessibility design in digital platforms. Solve the interaction difficulties of digital platform, so that the disadvantaged groups can also enjoy the convenience of digital technology, while realizing their own value. Being grounded also enhances the designer's own value and sense of social responsibility. Paving the way for future developments in accessible design.


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How to Cite

Li, C. (2024). Reflections on Accessible Design from the Perspective of the Digital Age. Highlights in Art and Design, 5(3), 16-19.