Discuss and Envision the Immunotherapy Potential based on NK Cell to Treat COVID-19


  • Jinhan Meng




Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, NK Cell, Immunotherapy


Corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19), caused by SARS-COV-2, has posed a tremendous threat to humans and public health worldwide. When faced with viral infection, our immune systems need to achieve a precise balance to eliminate the pathogen. In most cases, however, this balance is disturbed and then further distorted by viral infection. As an indispensable part in innate immune system, NK cells play a pivotal role in immune defense, immune surveillance, and immune homeostasis. Furthermore, NK cells showcase an effective capability of lysing virally infected cells and regulating immune responses. It has been demonstrated that COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms manifest a reduction in NK cell number as well as its function, which contributes to decreased clearance of infected cells. Restoration of NK cells have the potential to calibrate this delicate balance entailed to eliminate SARS-COV-2 infection. Based on current clinical studies, the immunopathologies of COVID-19 patients are summarized in this article. In addition, NK cell immune responses to COVID-19, factors concerning the immune responses of NK cell, and relevant feasible immunotherapies are also reviewed.


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How to Cite

Meng, J. (2024). Discuss and Envision the Immunotherapy Potential based on NK Cell to Treat COVID-19. International Journal of Biology and Life Sciences, 5(2), 13-16. https://doi.org/10.54097/nehtjy98