Acupuncture and Massage Techniques Combined to Treat Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome


  • Bingchen Li



Acupuncture Techniques, Alcohol Withdrawal, Massage, Combined Therapy


During the process of alcohol withdrawal, patients may experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, depression, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, headache, chills, sweating, palpitation, poor sleep, tremors, hallucinations and other withdrawal symptoms. Beneficial effects of acupuncture include reducing the need for alcohol, relieving withdrawal symptoms, and increasing energy and relaxation. In this way, the purpose of quitting drinking can be achieved by regulating the balance of yin and yang in the body and the partial prosperity and partial decline of the internal organs. Acupuncture can reduce a patient's need for alcohol, relieve withdrawal symptoms, reduce anxiety, hostility, stress, insomnia and depression, as well as increase energy and relaxation. After patients quit drinking through acupuncture treatment, alcohol withdrawal symptoms are significantly reduced to a tolerable level or even disappear completely. At the same time, massaging Guanchong point can promote the metabolism of water and alcohol in the body, which has a very good sobering effect.


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How to Cite

Li , B. (2024). Acupuncture and Massage Techniques Combined to Treat Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. International Journal of Biology and Life Sciences, 5(3), 9-12.