Application of Seismic Channel Wave Technology on Small Structure Exploration in Coal Mine
Seismic Channel Wave Exploration, Channel Wave Anomaly Area, Transmission Channel Wave Exploration, Reflection Channel Wave ExplorationAbstract
At lane 20207 and lane 50207 of the 80207 working face of Sitai Mine, many small faults are exposed, and their extension is unknown, which causes great interference to safe and efficient mining and even normal production of the working face. In order to guide the rational transformation and safe and efficient production of the working face with science, Sitai Coal Mine commissioned Henan Polytechnic University to find out the extension of the exposed fault on the face and other geological anomalies by using geophysical exploration methods. According to the purpose of geophysical exploration in Sitai coal mine, combined with the geological conditions of the working face, the SUMMIT II EX type seismic channel wave exploration produced by DMT company of Germany is selected to explore the 80207 working face with the combined detection method of transmission and reflection. According to the detection results, combined with the existing hydrogeological data of Sitai mine, the relative channel wave anomaly area is delineated. The results show that the seismic channel wave exploration can provide a basis for the prevention and control of mine water disaster conveniently and effectively.
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