An Optimization Method for Allocating Manufacturing Enterprises' Carbon Emission Quota


  • Qiang Zeng
  • Gaojie Hao
  • Ling Shen
  • Yahong Zhang
  • Yanfei Fang



Manufacturing Enterprises, Carbon Quota Allocation, Excel VBA, Lingo


An optimization method for allocating manufacturing enterprises' carbon emission quota was proposed. A manufacturing enterprise's carbon emission quota allocation problem was divided into the carbon emission quota allocation problem from the group company to subsidiaries (problem 1) and the carbon emission quota allocation problem from a subsidiary to its main products (problem 2). For problem 1, a mathematical model was constructed with the optimization objective of maximizing the weighted average of the normalized values of the total profit of subsidiaries and the weighted importance of the carbon emission quota. For problem 2, a mathematical model was constructed with the optimization objective of maximizing the weighted average of the normalized value of the total profit of the products and the weighted importance of the carbon emission quota. Excel was taken as the platform to present the model in tabular form. A VBA program was designed to generate the Lingo script program and run the Lingo script program to realize the automated solution of the model. The case study showed that the method proposed in this paper can efficiently solve the problem of optimal carbon emission quota allocation for manufacturing enterprises.


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How to Cite

Zeng, Q., Hao, G., Shen, L., Zhang, Y., & Fang, Y. (2024). An Optimization Method for Allocating Manufacturing Enterprises’ Carbon Emission Quota. International Journal of Energy, 5(1), 22-31.