A Post-Humanist Study of Ted Chiang's Stories of Your Life and Others


  • Wanqi Shang




Post-human, Post-humanism, Science Fiction, Ted Chiang.


Under this context of post-industrial era, science fiction, a literary genre derived from Gothic novels, has captured the crisis faced by the current humanity. Taking imagination as a tool and future science and technology as focus, Sci-fi has become a specific kind of literary critique for the current society. Ted Chiang, one of the most renowned and awards-winning contemporary Chinese-American writers, has shone on the field of science fiction, and Stories of your life and others, a science fiction novella collection, is one of Chiang’s most significant works. Stories of Your Life and Others explores the evolution of human nature, and recreates the eternal problems of the relationship between science and human itself/human society under the background of the multidimensional post-human space. From the perspective of post humanism theory, this paper attempt to explore the technical aesthetics, philosophical thinking and humanistic care in Chiang’s work, and to clear the path in terms of the relationship between human and technology, human and the universe, so as to picture the blueprint of future living environment of human beings, predict the common destiny of mankind in the future, provide a paradigm for the practice of science and technology in the post-human era and the discussion of post-modern science and technology ethics.


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26 July 2022




How to Cite

Shang, W. (2022). A Post-Humanist Study of Ted Chiang’s Stories of Your Life and Others. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 3(3), 66-75. https://doi.org/10.54097/ijeh.v3i3.1015