Analysis of Eugene Nida’s Translation Theory


  • Yinli Gao



Eugene Nida, Dynamic equivalence, Functional equivalence, Translation theory.


As a well-known translator and linguist in the world, Eugene Nida devoted himself to the development of translation theory. His translation theories enjoy an incomparably significant position in the translation field and have had a pretty profound influence on the translation of the Bible. Moreover, his translation theories enable people to get more knowledge and deeper understanding of translation, which broaden their horizons, especially the well-known theory “dynamic equivalence”, renamed as “functional equivalence” later, is of great significance in guiding the translation practice of human beings. Consequently, it is necessary to study and research Nida’s translation theories, and only when we fully understand the connotation and meaning of Eugene Nida’s translation theories can we apply them to practice reasonably and thus improve the quality of translation.


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16 August 2023




How to Cite

Gao, Y. (2023). Analysis of Eugene Nida’s Translation Theory. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 10(1), 203-206.