Homosexual Groups and Mental Health Research Were Reviewed


  • Xinyue Zhang




Homosexuality, Mental wellness, Mental disorders, Psychology.


The study of non-heterosexuality has always remained to be a controversial and open topic for the public and the scientists. Based on the scientific data now, only approximately no more than 5% of the total population is reported to be non-heterosexual, so can be considered as part of the social minority group. Homosexuality was first viewed as a sin in society by the time it was known. Subsequently, homosexuality was categorized as a type of pathology. Following by an abundant of debates among people who argued that homosexuality, regardless of its actual feeling, behavior and expression, was unacceptable, and with those who opposed, it wasn’t until 1973, that homosexuality was officially removed from DSM. Even though homosexuality was now more commonly seen among people, social stigmatization and opposing voices had not been fully eliminated. In fact, it was not surprising to hear that prejudices and stereotypes toward these sexual minority groups, specifically, including gay and lesbian, still exist. It has been hypothesized that homosexual people were exposed to a greater risk of being clinically depressed, feeling stressed, and an increase chances of suicide among these people was measured by hypothesis and various experiments conducted. In this essay, I will identify some of the potential stressors, providing with prevailing models and experiments conducted, that could be explained from both cognitive and social perspective, as well as in terms of genetics.


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27 February 2024




How to Cite

Zhang, X. (2024). Homosexual Groups and Mental Health Research Were Reviewed. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 12(3), 34-37. https://doi.org/10.54097/3ptefn69