The Impact of ChatGPT on Ideological and Political Work in Chinese Universities: A Comprehensive Study


  • Shengyu Gu



Artificial Intelligence in Education, Ideological and Political Education, ChatGPT Impact Analysis.


 This study explores the impact of ChatGPT, an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tool, on Ideological and Political Education (IPE) in Chinese universities. Amidst the growing integration of AI in educational settings, this research provides critical insights into the applications and implications of AI technologies in the realm of IPE. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study combines quantitative data from surveys with qualitative insights from interviews and focus groups, involving students, faculty, and administrators across various universities. Objectives: The primary objectives were to assess the integration of ChatGPT in IPE, evaluate its impact on student engagement and learning, explore the socio-political implications, and investigate the ethical considerations of AI use in education. Methods: The research employed stratified random sampling for surveys and purposive sampling for interviews and focus groups. Statistical analysis was used to interpret the quantitative data, while thematic analysis was applied to the qualitative data. Findings: The study revealed that ChatGPT enhances the diversity and depth of content delivery in IPE, leading to increased student engagement and improved understanding of complex ideological concepts. However, it also highlighted the necessity of ethical considerations and the potential challenges of AI in shaping socio-political dynamics within educational contexts. Conclusions: ChatGPT's integration into IPE offers promising avenues for enriching educational content and pedagogy. However, it also necessitates careful consideration of ethical implications and socio-political impacts. The study contributes to the growing body of literature on AI in education and provides recommendations for educators, policymakers, and future research in this evolving field.


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28 February 2024




How to Cite

Gu, S. (2024). The Impact of ChatGPT on Ideological and Political Work in Chinese Universities: A Comprehensive Study. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 12(3), 299-307.