Comparison of Views on Life and Death between the Mythology of the Ancient Mesopotamian Region and Biblical Mythology


  • Yushi Dong



Mesopotamian; Mesopotamian mythology; views on life and death; Bible.


This article compares the views on life and death in the ancient Mesopotamian mythology and the Biblical mythology from the perspectives of ontology of life and death and attitude towards life and death. It discusses the essence of "life and death" in the two myths from three aspects: different origins of life in the mythology of creating man, different ontology of death in the mythology of the great flood, and the pursuit of immortality. It analyzes their attitudes towards life and death, believing that one is "living towards death" and trying to obtain spiritual immortality, while the other is "still alive after death" and vainly pursuing physical immortality.


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19 March 2024




How to Cite

Dong, Y. (2024). Comparison of Views on Life and Death between the Mythology of the Ancient Mesopotamian Region and Biblical Mythology. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 13(1), 257-262.