Exploring Intercultural Communication Dynamics: A Case Study of International Student Language Partnerships in Southwest China


  • Xiaoyi Wang




International student, Language partner, Language study.


Engaging in language partnership is one of the common strategies employed by international students studying Chinese in China. This type of communication, which relies primarily on third-party introductions, occurs with lower frequency and involves simpler topics, significantly contributes to improving Chinese listening and speaking abilities of international students. The main challenge faced by international students in participating in language partnership is the fewer opportunities to meet language partners. Schools and teachers could strengthen the Chinese learning environment for international students by organizing activities, adjusting courses, and arranging accommodations, thereby enhancing opportunities for international students to acquire Chinese through language partners.


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19 March 2024




How to Cite

Wang, X. (2024). Exploring Intercultural Communication Dynamics: A Case Study of International Student Language Partnerships in Southwest China. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 13(1), 349-354. https://doi.org/10.54097/93ym4810