How Do Information Quality, E-service Quality, And System Quality Enhance Customer Satisfaction for Airbnb?
Information Quality, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty, Sharing Economy, E-service Quality.Abstract
This research study delves into the dynamic interplay between information quality, service quality, e-service quality, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and customer loyalty within the Airbnb platform, offering significant insights and practical implications for the sharing economy and online platforms. Utilizing a quantitative research approach, the study examines the complex relationships among these factors, drawing on empirical evidence to enhance our understanding of consumer behavior in the context of Airbnb. The study's findings reveal a significant positive correlation between information quality and customer satisfaction, highlighting the pivotal role of clear, accurate, and reliable information in influencing consumer perceptions and trust. Similarly, both service quality and e-service quality are found to have substantial positive relationships with customer satisfaction, underscoring the importance of high-quality service delivery in both physical and digital realms. Furthermore, the research identifies a strong positive association between customer loyalty and repurchase intention, suggesting that loyal customers are more likely to continue using Airbnb services in the future. These insights have profound implications for Airbnb and similar platforms in the sharing economy, suggesting that prioritizing information transparency, user-friendly interface design, quality customer service, and loyalty programs can significantly enhance user experiences, foster trust, and ensure steadfast consumer loyalty. The practical applications of this study advise platforms like Airbnb to focus on improving the accuracy and transparency of information, investing in intuitive and error-free user interfaces, offering efficient customer service, and implementing loyalty programs to cultivate long-term customer relationships and promote repeat business. The study also discusses the limitations encountered, including the constraints of a quantitative approach that may not fully capture the breadth of customer experiences and viewpoints, the sample size which might not accurately reflect the diversity of Airbnb's customer base, and the reliance on online data collection that may exclude certain segments of the population. These limitations suggest avenues for future research, emphasizing the need for incorporating qualitative methodologies, expanding the sample size for greater generalizability, and diversifying data collection methods to include a broader spectrum of user experiences. In conclusion, this research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by empirically demonstrating the crucial impact of information quality, service quality, and e-service quality on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repurchase intentions in the Airbnb context. It offers valuable recommendations for enhancing service delivery and customer experience in the sharing economy, highlighting the strategic importance of building and maintaining customer loyalty for the sustained success of platforms like Airbnb.
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