Mongolian Education Resource Platform Based on Springmvc+Hibernate+Spring Integration Framework
Education network, Mongolian Language, B/S architecture, SpringMVC, Hibernate.Abstract
With the popularization of educational informatization and the advancement of computer technology and multimedia playback, the process of educational networking has reached new heights nationwide. The education networking in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is currently in a rapid development stage. In order to provide Mongolian-speaking students with the benefits of educational networking, it is imperative to design and implement a Mongolian language educational resource platform. The designed Mongolian Language Educational Resource Platform in this paper adopts a B/S architecture and utilizes the SpringMVC, Hibernate, and Spring frameworks for overall development. Firstly, the relevant technical knowledge used is introduced, including the B/S architecture, the main frameworks used, and CSS technology, among others. Then, the requirements specification and detailed design plan of the platform are elaborated, including the database design. Finally, the implementation process of the core functionalities of this Mongolian language educational resource platform is described, and unit testing methods are employed to test these core modules. The system in this paper achieves the basic functionalities of the Mongolian language educational resource platform, and the entire platform's functionalities have met the expected goals.
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