The Status of School Learning Management and the Students’ Satisfaction on Online Learning in Selected University in Jiangsu Province
Online learning, School Learning Management, Students’ Satisfaction.Abstract
This study intends to determine the status of school learning management and the satisfaction of students in the online learning in China. Now that the world is continuously healing and being under control from the virus, many schools initiated the return to the face- to- face encounter of teachers and students. However, students are still finding themselves more familiar with learning through live streams or videos. Educators are also looking for ways to engage their students online with the new digital shift in traditional classes, thus driving the fundamental mind shift to e-Learning. This study focuses on how the school is managing the online learning. Specifically, this study will determine if there is a significant difference in the assessment of teachers on the status of school learning management on online learning in terms: online materials, online assessment and feedbacks, online interactions and related online supports. The study will also describe the satisfaction of students on online learning in terms of: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, computer self- efficacy, and satisfaction. The findings of the study will serve as the basis for proposing school management program to improve the delivery of online learning.
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