Analysis of the Impact and Countermeasures of Social Media on Adolescents
MicroBlog as an example
Social media, adolescents, MicroBlog.Abstract
Social software has also become a part of our lives, and their appearance has greatly changed people's lives. It not only provides great convenience for people to establish and expand social relationships, but also provides an important way for people to understand the outside world information. Adolescents are also gradually becoming an important group of social media users. The influence of social media on adolescents is a "double-edged sword". Especially, MicroBlog, with its immediacy, interactivity and simplicity, has been widely favored by teenagers. Therefore, it is important to understand the use of MicroBlog by teenage students in China, find out its impact on teenagers, analyze the problems that exist in the process of teenagers' use and put forward corresponding suggestions, which can also provide a reference for the development of other social media platforms.
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