Study on After-school Services in Primary Schools in the Context of "Double Reduction"


  • Yaohua Zhang



Double-decrease policy; After-school service; Analysis.


With the introduction of the "Double Reduction" policy by the Chinese Government and the State Council, after-school services have emerged and become more popular. Parents' basic working hours conflict with their children's after-school hours, making it impossible for them to pick up their children on time. In addition, due to the generally low literacy level of parents, there is a lack of professional leadership in their children's education and growth, and it is even more difficult to tutor their children's studies. In view of this, the author conducted an innovative research on after-school service and actively explored the practical measures of primary school after-school service in the mobile Internet environment. Investigated the current situation of after-school services in primary schools, analysed the prospects of implementing after-school services through the mobile Internet environment, explored measures such as carrying out thematic mini-lectures, developing special school-based courses, classifying and pushing fables and celebrity stories, developing mini-games and designing comprehensive mini-practices, etc., and pushed the implementation through the mobile Internet, which received good results and effectively made up for the shortcomings of parents' only needs and traditional after-school services.


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14 May 2024




How to Cite

Zhang, Y. (2024). Study on After-school Services in Primary Schools in the Context of "Double Reduction". International Journal of Education and Humanities, 14(1), 192-194.