The Challenges of Social-Emotional Learning of College Students Toward Enhanced Learning Program


  • Lina Li



Social-Emotional Learning; College Students; Enhanced Learning Program.


 Social-emotional learning plays a pivotal role in college students' academic career, which not only enhances students' well-being, but also motivates them to achieve higher academic success. This thesis investigates the current situation of social-emotional learning among college students in Yichun College in China, and finds that students have good performance in Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making, but there are some students who are weaker in social-emotional competence, and the school adopts the measures of opening a hotline for mental health assistance and The school has taken measures such as opening a mental health support hotline, offering courses related to emotional enhancement, and increasing the content of social-emotional learning in teachers' teaching activities, which have achieved good results.


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14 May 2024




How to Cite

Li, L. (2024). The Challenges of Social-Emotional Learning of College Students Toward Enhanced Learning Program. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 14(1), 274-285.