Research on the Image Shaping of Members of the Communist Party of China in Red Star over China from the Perspective of the Other


  • Huifang Tang
  • Xinyu Liu



Red Star over China, the Communist Party of China members, the perspective of Other, image.


The Red Star Over China written by Edgar Snow is the first book written by a foreign author to record the Red Army in the Soviet area. This book not only truthfully and objectively portrays the image of the communists during the Yan'an period through Snow's perspective as the other, but also serves as an effective medium for propagating the real Chinese Communist Party and its members from the other's viewpoint during the period of the Anti-Japanese War. From the perspective of others, Snow used the transformation of narrative perspectives and contrast to show the characteristics of CPC members in political ideology, military affairs, daily life, and other aspects, and creates a series of unique communists who are different from the old and other parties. Male CPC members are firm in faith and invincible in courage, female CPC members are as powerful as men, "red devils" have strong self-esteem and strong ability, and leaders are both wise and brave and empathic with their subordinates. Snow, because of his own unique characteristics and value judgment, creates an objective, real and vivid three-dimensional image from the perspective of the other.


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14 May 2024




How to Cite

Tang, H., & Liu, X. (2024). Research on the Image Shaping of Members of the Communist Party of China in Red Star over China from the Perspective of the Other. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 14(1), 307-312.