Research on the Influence and Mechanism of Music Aesthetics on Emotion Regulation


  • Zining Luo
  • Yuchen Hua



Music Aesthetics, Emotion Regulation, Music Psychology, Emotional Experience, Research Methods


This study aims to explore the influence and mechanisms of music aesthetics on emotion regulation. Through literature review and empirical research, the relationship between music aesthetics and emotion regulation is analyzed, and key mechanisms are identified. The results indicate that music aesthetics have a positive impact on emotion regulation, helping individuals better manage their emotions and enhance emotional experiences. The theoretical framework includes relevant theories on music aesthetics and emotion regulation, with research methods involving quantitative analysis and empirical investigation. The discussion section interprets the empirical findings and discusses the implications of the study for theory and practice, while also addressing the study's limitations and providing suggestions for future research.


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16 June 2024




How to Cite

Luo, Z., & Hua, Y. (2024). Research on the Influence and Mechanism of Music Aesthetics on Emotion Regulation. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 14(3), 292-295.