Analysis on the Role of Sports Game Teaching Method in College Students' Social and Mental Health


  • Hongke Zhong



Sports Game Teaching Method, College Students, Social and Mental Health, Self-confidence, Teamwork, A Positive Attitude


With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the life style and learning environment of college students have undergone great changes. As an important way of recreation, sports games have a positive impact on college students' social and mental health. By using the methods of questionnaire survey and experiment design, this paper carries out the teaching method of sports games for one semester, and makes a comparative analysis of their social and mental health status before and after.


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18 September 2024




How to Cite

Zhong, H. (2024). Analysis on the Role of Sports Game Teaching Method in College Students’ Social and Mental Health. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 16(2), 329-334.