Study on Phonetic Transfer and Teaching Strategies in College English Teaching

Take western Inner Mongolia Dialect as an example


  • Liyan Zhang



Western dialect, Negative transfer, Teaching strategy.


The negative influence of mother tongue, especially dialect, on the pronunciation of Chinese English learners is very common, especially in western Inner Mongolia. Through empirical research, this study discusses the negative influence of western Inner Mongolia dialects on the phoneme transmission and cross-segment phoneme transmission of students in our region, so as to better help the students in western Inner Mongolia overcome the phonetic difficulties caused by the negative transmission of mother tongue dialects, break through the phonetic barrier and achieve the purpose of effective communication.


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28 February 2023




How to Cite

Zhang, L. (2023). Study on Phonetic Transfer and Teaching Strategies in College English Teaching: Take western Inner Mongolia Dialect as an example. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 7(2), 65-68.