"Chinese fad" and The Driving Factors of "Chinese fad"
Chinese fad manufacturing economic products.Abstract
In recent years, the influence of "Chinese fad" or "guochao" as a fashion trend has been rising in China and the world. "Chinese fad" is the result of the combined force of many factors. This article will first explain the phenomenon of "Chinese fashion", sort out the development process of "Chinese fashion", and analyze the driving factors. These factors can be summarized into four aspects, namely social factors, marketing factors, product and economic factors. Finally, I put forward my own thoughts on the dilemma of "China Fashion" brand.
Yao Linqing, (2019). How did the “Chinese fad” fever form, People's Forum, vol. 35, pp. 132-134.
Surging news Penguin [Internet] China's Gen Z population is about 264 million, accounting for 40% of its consumption.(n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2023, Available : https://www.sohu.com/a/317237170_114662
Guo Guoqing, (2022). Marketing Code for the Rise of New Chinese Goods under the Chinese fad, People's Forum, vol. 03, pp. 84-87.