Sliding-mode Active Disturbance Rejection Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control System
Permanent magnet synchronous motor, Sliding mode control, Self-resilient controlAbstract
Aiming at the permanent magnet synchronous motor with external perturbations and internal uncertainties such as external load, rotational inertia and armature resistance changes, a servo control system based on sliding mode self-immunity controller is designed. By constructing a mathematical model of the servo system of the permanent magnet synchronous motor, considering the internal uncertainty caused by the change of the system parameters and the external random disturbance as the "total disturbance", and designing the transition process and the linear expansion state observer to observe and compensate for it, the system response can track the input signal quickly and without overshooting, and the sliding-mode state feedback makes the closed-loop servo system achieve fast and stable control, and the sliding-mode Active Disturbance Rejection control controller can be used to control the system. The sliding mode state feedback enables the closed-loop servo system to realize fast and stable control, and its consistent stability is proved by the Lyapunov method. Simulations show that this sliding- mode Active Disturbance Rejection control control strategy improves the system response speed and load carrying capability compared with the traditional sliding-mode control.
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