High-performance lightweight aggregate concrete research and mechanical property analysis: A review


  • Baixin Li
  • Zhipeng Guo
  • Ziyuan Zhang
  • Ji Qi
  • Yue Wang




Prefabricated structures, Interior partition panels, Lightweight aggregate concrete, High-performance concrete, Mix design


In the current era where prefabricated construction is dominant, under the trends of industrialization, mechanization, and green construction, a series of experiments and explorations have been conducted in a multidisciplinary approach of materials engineering, structural engineering, and civil engineering. This paper presents an overview of existing domestic and international research on high-performance lightweight aggregate concrete used for prefabricated interior partition walls. This includes: research and design of high-performance lightweight aggregate concrete and initial mechanical property analysis; determination of its significant optimization effect for preparing prefabricated interior partition panels; seeking ways to further enhance the performance of lightweight aggregate concrete-made interior partition panels and increase their applicability in building assembly. Taking into account engineering practical applications, the future application prospects of high-performance lightweight aggregate concrete in prefabricated interior partition panels are discussed, alongside further research directions and suggestions. The research outcomes of this paper are of great significance in promoting the development of industrialized construction and green buildings.


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How to Cite

Li, B., Guo, Z., Zhang, Z., Qi, J., & Wang, Y. (2024). High-performance lightweight aggregate concrete research and mechanical property analysis: A review. Journal of Computing and Electronic Information Management, 12(2), 92-95. https://doi.org/10.54097/h7t0lii2