Rethinking Semantic Contrastive Learning and Content Fusion in Multimodal Retrieval
Image-Text matching, Cross-Modal retrieval, Image-Text contrastive learning, Zero-Shot retrievalAbstract
In the domain of image-text retrieval (ITR), recent advancements have enabled fine-grained (FG) instance-level retrieval through large-scale visual language pre-training (VLP). While these methods have achieved high accuracy, they have also led to an increase in computational complexity. primary challenges in cross-modal retrieval involve the induction of isomorphic knowledge and the association of heterogeneous knowledge. Homogeneous knowledge comprises elements with identical dimensions, whereas the interrelation of heterogeneous knowledge necessitates a prior unification of internal elements. Traditional cross-modal methods typically extract features from various modalities and engage in joint training. However, experimental results indicate that performance discrepancies among different modal networks can adversely affect overall generalization capability. Current state-of-the-art visual systems aim to minimize constrained supervisory signals to enhance the model's generalization performance. Although end-to-end models can simplify training, they often result in an exponential increase in data volume, which can be unmanageable for the average user. Our research demonstrates that pre-training with a singular focus can efficiently and scalably learn semantic features. This novel model is conceptually straightforward and can be implemented using existing, mature modules. In terms of performance, each module maintains a singular responsibility, significantly improving both the model's parameter count and training speed.
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